There are 3 main grabbing techniques: Libero, Wellpoint and Pozzi. But in reality, there are at least two other techniques that can be combined with the previous ones, namely the Draining Piping and the Ejector System.
They are specific for certain types of terrain and construction sites.
The structure of the soil is almost always heterogeneous. It’s therefore essential to have a good geological report and an inspection on site, in order to choose the right drainage system and use the correct embankment system.
It consists of direct suction inside the area to be drained with immersion or
surface pumps (electric or diesel)
It consists of a high vacuum self-priming pump (most often vacuum-assisted) connected to a system of filter tips (wellpoint) driven into the ground to the desired depth
It consists of one or more wells dug into the ground and connected to surface pumps or submersible pumps with automatic start
A series of drainage pipes placed under or around the desired excavation area are connected to a high vacuum pump
It is a system similar to the principle of the wellpoint system but in this case it is composed of a high head pump that pushes water into the ejectors
It consists of direct suction inside the area to be drained with immersion or
surface pumps (electric or diesel)
It consists of a high vacuum self-priming pump (most often vacuum-assisted) connected to a system of filter tips (wellpoint) driven into the ground to the desired depth
It consists of one or more wells dug into the ground and connected to surface pumps or submersible pumps with automatic start
A series of drainage pipes placed under or around the desired excavation area are connected to a high vacuum pump
It is a system similar to the principle of the wellpoint system but in this case it is composed of a high head pump that pushes water into the ejectors